Tuesday, March 20, 2012

This chart shows the common age of people in Africa who have aids  
This graph shows how many people have aids in Africa to how many people have aids in the whole world 
This shows that people have given up hope of controlling this epidemic.  
This graph shows the percentage of people who have aids in the different regions of Africa  
14.5 of the worlds population lives in Africa. But 69% of the people that have HIV in the world are in Africa.  Also, 72% of deaths in 2009 were caused by aids in Africa.  In 2005 22.5 million people in Sub-Saharan Africa were diagnosed with HIV and 1.3 million of those people died of aids.  A theory of how HIV/AIDS started was spread from monkeys, chimpanzees, and apes.  This disease was spread to the human kind because of blood tests on monkeys and the studying of monkeys. Sadly, about every 13 seconds, a person in Africa dies of the deadly disease of aids.