About Hiv and Aids

Many couples died from AIDs and there children become orphans.  This happens a lot so some people call Africa the orphaned continent.  

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. This virus that is the first step to AIDs affects the white blood cells of the human immune system. AIDs stand for aquired immunodeficiency syndrome, it happenes when someones immune system is so depleted that they aquire unusual infections.  Eventually, there bodies don't have enough power or enough white blood cells to fight of infections.  This allows the body of someone to get very weak and sick and they can't fight any thing off anymore. Aids and HIV nearly did not exist about 30 years ago, Aids was first discovered in 1981, the number of people who had aids was growing rapidly in the 1980's. In areas in South Africa it is estamated that 30% of pregnant women are HIV positive.  If HIV/AIDS did not exist, the life expectancy would be 62 years instead of 47 short years!! The disease affect many couples not just induviduals and when one of the people in the couple pass away, the other person in the couple is left to take care of the children with the deadly disease. We can prevent this disease by using clean needles when you need to get shots, and avoiding sexual contact with people who are sick. Lastly if you are a health care provider working with aids patients you have to make sure to wear gloves and ensure that you don't get any cuts or poked by any used needles.

Fortunately, the drug companies have come up with several drugs that can slow down Aids, and increase the life expectancy of the patients. They are working on producing low cost alternatives since often these medicines are very expensive. By combining patient education and the right drugs, Aids can be controlled.    


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